The two passkey parts (User Name and Password) are                       
     lowercase with no spaces and no use of spacebar after last letter.   

Password Help    Passwords are used in  several places (If you are a client and order certain products like the Quality Life Toolkit, please state that you have a passkey already to LCW.)

1. New-Client Contact Information form receives
    your contact information; the form includes
    our Terms of Service and your requesting of
    a custom password for the Current-Client Forms.
    To enter this form a generic two-part key is needed. Hint: 2.
    Password information: request the "Generic UserID and Generic Password"
    from JosephJennifer, or Grace.

2. Current-Client 
is the pathway to the Current-Client Forms.
     Password information:
     (User name) = (Sometimes this was set to be your first name in all lowercase letters
                             or first name and first initial of your last name;
                             however, this also could have been custom made and sent to you).
     (Password) = (the password you requested on the New-Client Contact Information form)
     Let the final character of the key parts be the final keystroke--as even a spacebar entry
     will put an unseen empty character that will prevent the key from working.

3. Forgot your password and want it sent to you by our webmaster?
    Name:     E-mail:
    Please describe your password challenge, experience or need:
                                                                                        After pressing,
    you will be returned here; that will mean that the webmaster received your request.
    Allow up to a day--often you will get a response in much shorter time. Thanks.

 To return to the Client Area click here.