Option 1  
Your Toolkit Subscription includes
     6 full months of online access to the Quality Life Toolkit™

               and complimentary tele-classes.

        Work with the tools you want when and where you want to work with them.
        All of the tools are available online (several tools
as Priority Matters™ have interactive
        features). For paper use, print the monthly Essential Package and any optional tools
        you choose and place them into your toolkit binder. (Many toolkit subscribers
        discover they prefer the toolkit calendar tools to their current calendar system.)

        It is easy to customize your toolkit so it becomes a perfect fit with the life you are living now.  
        Also included are Joseph’s recent tips on using the Toolkit. These tips are provided as a resource
        to assist you in maximizing the life-shaping power of your toolkit.  (Tips are presented on the
        passworded toolkit website, and during complimentary toolkit teleclass-seminars!)
        You may find your toolkit quickly becomes your favorite tool for creating the life you desire.